Australia’s #1 Deposit GAP Lending Specialist!

We help hardworking Aussies achieve home ownership with no deposit.

Johnson Deposits

Johnson Deposits

Johnson Deposits Johnson Deposits

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Our Services

  • Johnson deposits is a deposit gap lending solution using community funding to provide a 20% deposit for full time working Aussie’s who have a min balance of $120k in super to purchase a home using our simple 5 steps below:

    1. Find out your borrowing capacity.

    2. Strategy and education session.

    3. Get purchase ready.

    4. Go house hunting.

    5. Settle on you property.

Book an appointment

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More about our service

Johnson deposits is a deposit gap lending solution using community funding to provide a 20% deposit for full time working Aussie’s who have a min balance of $120k in super balance to purchase a home.